
The Teen Fact-Checking Network (TFCN) is a prestigious, one-of-its-kind scholarship programme bringing together teenage fact-checkers from around the world. It first began in the United States, with MediaWise successfully running the program with school students for over 4 years. In 2023, it expanded to India, Brazil, and Germany.

About TFCN

The Teen Fact-Checking Network (TFCN) is a prestigious, one-of-its-kind scholarship programme bringing together teenage fact-checkers from around the world. It first began in the United States, with MediaWise successfully running the program with school students for over 4 years. In 2023, it expanded to India, Brazil, and Germany.


H R Venkatesh

Director, Training & Research

Divya Chandra

Fact-checker, Workshops & Training

Titha Ghosh

Associate Producer

TFCN is 100% non-partisan and non-political; all participants are expected to adhere to this requirement strictly. We are also an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer. We are committed to prohibiting discrimination and harassment of any kind.

Contact Us

To connect, please write to us at tfcn@boomlive.in

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